


Localization Testing is defined as a software testing technique, where the product is checked to assure that it behaves according to the local culture or settings.

What we do

To enter new markets with high-quality products without any grammatical or functional issues that cause negative user experience, we evaluate the quality of localized products using several methods:

  • Internationalization readiness testing – to make sure that localized product interacts correctly with third-party software and native language OSs and platforms and supports multilingual UI
  • Localization testing – to detect issues related to the content translation and its rendering on the interface
  • In-context review – to provide proper globalization of product keeping the context and following all the language standards and rules of the target market.

How we localize

Our localization testing package includes:

  • Linguistic tests – to evaluate product content from the native speaker standpoint
  • UI tests – to make sure that the layouts of the localized application and the original one coincide
  • Functional tests – to verify that the localization of product does not cause any functional issues

It’s not just about language

The localization process is not only the verification of correct translation of all text elements of a software product. The readiness for the global market requires testing of the product layout, formatting, hyperlinks, images quality, basic functionality, keeping cultural and regional specifics of the target market, etc. Besides, localization testing of mobile solutions includes checking of input methods, e.g., keyboards, gestures and touches, verification of UI in different screen sizes and resolutions that vary from one location to another.

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